Preparation time: 30 minutes , Recipe for: – , Complexity :
Happy Hour

900 g of flour • 1/2 liter of water • 50 g extra virgin olive oil • 30 g of salt • 5 g of yeast
2 x BAKING TRAYS OF 30x40cm
For the thick pizza follow the recipe above until point 2, then divide the
dough in half, putting each half in the centre of a baking tray which has been lightly oiled. stretch out the dough with your hands to fit the tray.
to make a white pizza, oil the surface of the dough and leave to double in size.
to make a normal pizza (with tomatoes) spread with passata di pomodoro which has been blended with fresh tomatoes and basil, and then leave it to double in size.
Cook in the oven on static function at 250° for 10 minutes. it is advisable to place the tray in the lower part of the oven. Take the pizza out of the oven and add the mozzarella (which has been cut and left to “drip dry” for some hours). End the cooking under the grill set at 230° for 8 minutes.